Category: Dorset

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Dorset news

Man threatened with knife in Boscombe

Detectives in Bournemouth are appealing for witnesses and anyone with information to come forward after an attempted robbery in Boscombe. The incident happened at around 11.20am on Monday 2 September 2013 at the junction of Adeline Road and Roumelia Lane. The victim, a 35-year-old man, was approached by an unknown person while out walking who…

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Litter Picking The Pits

Dorset Wildlife Trust (DWT) has teamed up with Urban Heath Partnership (UHP) to tidy up the heath mountain bike hotspot, better known as the Pits, after a summer of fun and sun. Armed with cakes and biscuits donated by the local Co-operative in Upton, DWT and UHP were joined by local young people and together managed to clear a shocking amount of litter from the site, most of which was plastic bottles.

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Dorset news

Fail to stop collision in Ferndown

Police in Ferndown are appealing for witnesses and anyone with information to come forward after a fail to stop road traffic collision. The incident happened at around 10am on Friday 30 August 2013 near the junction of West Moors Road and Horton Road. The victim, a 24-year-old Wimborne man, was cycling on his BMX when…

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Young cancer survivor onboard Great Britain leads the Clipper fleet in iconic parade out of London

Waved off by crowds in excess of 120,000 lining the bank of the Thames on Sunday 1 September, Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust ambassador Kristie Reid (20) and her crew onboard 70-ft yacht ‘Great Britain’, led the fleet of 12 Clipper boats and a flotilla of spectator vessels in an iconic parade through Tower Bridge and down the Thames, as they embarked on the start of their 40,000 mile race around the world.

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Do you know what sepsis is?

Not everyone will know that sepsis is a life-threatening condition that can occur when the body attacks its own tissues and organs in response to fighting an infection. Sepsis can lead to shock, multiple organ failure and death if not recognised early and treated promptly. World Sepsis Day is on 13 September. The mark the…

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Dorset news

Wimborne TIC saved in principle

Following negotiations with East Dorset District Council, the Board of Trustees of the Priest’s House Museum in Wimborne has agreed in principle to work with the council to continue the running of the town’s Tourist Information Centre. The final details have still to be formalised but it is likely that the arrangement will be similar…

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