Motoring & Transport, Poole | Posted on January 5th, 2022 | return to news
Tatnam Road in Poole to be re-opened to through traffic
BCP Council has responded to public opinion and Tatnam Road in Poole is to be re-opened to through traffic.
Following response from the public, Tatnam Road in Poole is to be re-opened.
The trial road closure scheme was introduced by BCP Council to discourage through-traffic and to encourage more cycling and walking.
Work to remove the barriers and reopen the road to traffic will start this week.
A BCP Council spokesperson said: “Following a comprehensive review of the feedback from residents through a robust democratic process, a decision was made by cabinet to reopen Tatnam Road to traffic and remove the current Experimental Traffic Regulation Order. The consultation carried out and letters received through this process showed significant support for the reopening of the road and whilst the decision was a balanced one, the cabinet was of the view that the benefits of reopening the road outweighed the negatives, and that the decision should be made to reopen the road.”
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